I want to purchase a hearing aid
from ‘Hearing Aids from Home’.
What steps do I take?
Order your hearing aids from the Hearing Aids from Home online shop
Send your up to date (not older than six months) hearing test with your order via email to Hearing Aids from Home.
With this information our audiologists, by assessing your hearing test, will program the hearing aids you have ordered and then send them to you.
When you receive your hearing aids you will be given an appointment time. All consultations will be taken through an app that is specific to your hearing aid you have purchased. This app will need to be downloaded to your phone prior to your consultation time.
You will have a four-week trial period during which you can request additional tuning adjustments or return the aids if they are of no benefit to you.
Beyond the trial period our audiologists, at a cost, provide additional professional assistance either online, via telephone or face to face.
Who is suitable for an online hearing aid?
Anyone who has been advised to trial a hearing aid and has a current hearing test (referred to as an audiogram) that measures their hearing loss. They must own a compatible phone and be comfortable using Apps on their smart phone.
Online purchase and fitting of hearing aids may be especially appealing to: